vector - Joining shapes in Affinity Designer - Graphic Design Stack Exchange
vector - Joining shapes in Affinity Designer - Graphic Design Stack Exchange Looking for: How To Join Curves In Affinity Designer - Design Talk - We have two newsletters, why not sign up for both? Click here to DOWNLOAD Affinity designer join shapes free. Strange shapes for affinity designer vector image Both of them are paths with defined stroke properties, and you want to combine them together. This is a pretty common task when working with vectors, and Affinity Designer makes it as easy as any other application. The following video tutorial will walk you through the entire process in less than 2 minutes:. Use the Move Tool keyboard shortcut: V to select affinity designer join shapes free objects:. You can select multiple objects by holding the Shift jlin while clicking on them, or by clicking and dragging a selection around them. This is the point where the curves will be joined. Do affniity worry if there is a gap between them — it will be fill...